Placing the mind into the Kuṇḍalini, and getting the latter into the mind, by looking upon the Buddhi (intellect) with mind (reflexively), the Param Pada (Brahma) should be obtained. 53.
Keep the âtmâ inside the Kha (Brahma) and place Brahma inside your âtmâ. Having made everything pervaded with Kha (Brahma), think of nothing else.54.
One should become void in and void out, and voice like a pot in the space. Full in and full outside, like a jar in the ocean. 55.
He should be neither of his inside nor of outside world; and, leaving all thoughts, he should think of nothing. 56.
The whole of this world and all the schemes of the mind are but the creations of thought. Discarding these thoughts and taking leave of all conjectures, O Râma! obtain peace. 57.
As camphor disappears in fire, and rock salt in water, so the mind united with the âtmâ loses its identity. 58.
When the knowable, and the knowledge, are both destroyed equally, then there is no second way (i.e., Duality is destroyed). 59.
All this movable and immovable world is mind. When the mind has attained to the unmanî avasthâ, there is no dwaita (from the absence of the working of the mind.) 60
Mind disappears by removing the knowable, and, on its disappearance, âtmâ only remains behind. 61.
The high-souled Âchâryas (Teachers) of yore gained experience in the various methods of Samâdhi themselves, and then they preached them to others. 62.
Salutations to Thee, O Suṣumnâ, to Thee O Kuṇḍalinî, to Thee O Sudhâ, born of Chandra, to Thee O Manomnanî! to Thee O great power, energy and the intelligent spirit. 63.
I will describe now the practice of anâhata nâda, as propounded by Gorakṣa Nâtha, for the benefit of those who are unable to understand the principles of knowledge—a method, which is liked by the ignorant also. 64.
Âdinâtha propounded 1¼ crore methods of trance, and they are all extant. Of these, the hearing of the anâhata nâda is the Only one, the chief, in my opinion. 65.
Sitting with Mukta Âsana and with the Sâmbhavî Madill, the Yogî should hear the sound inside his right ear, with collected mind. 66.
The ears, the eyes, the nose, and the mouth should be closed and then the clear sound is heard in the passage of the Suṣumnâ which has been cleansed of all its impurities. 67.
In all the Yogas, there are four states: (1) ârambha or the preliminary, (2) Ghata, or the state of a jar, (3) Parichaya (known), (4) niṣpatti (consumate.)68.
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