Monday, January 3, 2011

Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Ch-3, Po-4

The Mahâ Bandha.

Press the left heel to the perineum and place the right foot on the left thigh. Fill in the air, keeping the chin firm against the chest, and, having pressed the air, the mind should he fixed on the middle of the eyebrows or in the suumnâ (the spine). Having kept it confined so long as possible, it should be expelled slowly. Having practised on the left side, it should be practised on the right side.

Some are of opinion that the closing of throat is not necessary here, for keeping the tongue pressed against the roots of the upper teeth makes a good bandha (stop). This stops the upward motion of all the Nâdîs. Verily this Mahâ Bandha is the giver of great Siddhis. This Mahâ Bandha is the most skilful means for cutting away the snares of death. It brings about the conjunction of the Trivenî (Idâ, Pingalâ and Suumnâ) and carries the mind to Kedâr (the space between the eyebrows, which is the seat of Śiva).

As beauty and loveliness, do not avail a woman without husband, so the Mahâ Mudrâ and the Mahâ-Bandha are useless without the Mahâ Vedha. 25.

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